Ultiem daklicht door beloopbaar glas
A selection of our projects

Inspiration: How to apply walkon glass

Walkon glass, how to apply it? From different smaller panels a roof terrace, up to a ceiling made entirely out of glass. In this blog we show different projects to get an idea in what ways walkon glass can be used to get more light into your home.

1. Multiple small rooflights next to eachother

For this project it was decided to place multiple standard rooflights with walkon glass next to each other. An economic solution that provides the house with a lot of light.

twee kleinere beloopbaar glas

2. A rooflight in a roof terrace

Apart from multiple small standard rooflights, also one larger rooflight can be opted for. These are available as one piece up to no less than 6 m2.

Groot beloopbaar glas dakterras

3. An even larger rooflight in a roof terrace

Even larger? That is possible! By connecting multiple glass panels you can create a surface as large as you like.

In this project a lot of space was created in the terrace for a broad rooflight consisting of multiple glass partitions, all connected by an aluminium profile. This ensures that abundant light comes into the lounge room.

Multipart beloopbaar glas vlak in vloer landscape

4. Walkon glass in the roof of the extension

A win-win situation. Not only does the rooflight now provide much more daylight in the extension of the house, it is being utilised as a terrace at the same time.

5. Walkon glass as a rooflight along the french doors on the terrace

By applying the glass as a rooflight along the façade, it ensures a connection between indoors and outdoors and also provides a lot of light in the areas underneath. The connection to the façade does require some attention. Read more here about it in: our blog on walkon glass next to a wall.

6. A glass ceiling of walkon glass

It can always be elaborated by one more step: what about a glass ceiling on top of a penthouse, accessible by a hinged access rooflight. Since this is walkon glass, you additionally have a fantastic view. In photos below even a lift shaft, integrated in the glass ceiling, was considered. The amount of framework besides that is minimal, so after finishing there is just a Sky Only View.

Multipart beloopbaar glas dakterras 4

Multipart beloopbaar glas woonkamer van binnen